At last the collectivists in our government have picked up a banner to which we all can relate. How could one argue with the statement that: “the rich, the millionaires and billionaires are not paying their fair share of the tax burden.” How could anyone in their right mind argue with this? After all, according to the federal government the top 1% of earners in this country earns 24% of our nation’s income yet pay only 39% of the federal income tax.
The top 5% of earners in our country pay 95% of all federal income tax. The bottom 50% of wage earners pays 0% of federal taxes. This leaves approximately 5% of the federal income tax burden placed on the shoulders of the remaining 45% of the wage earners in our country. Surely this is an intolerable burden for so many to bear. Remember these are all figures that can be obtained on line from the federal treasury website.
Ask yourself this question: How many times in my life or in the lives of those close to me have any of us been hired for a wage by a poor person? My answer to that question is never; I cannot speak for you.
So with the top 5% paying the taxes, hiring individuals so that together they can produce all the wealth of this country, is it any wonder that we are encouraged to envy, despise and ridicule that evil top 5%. Why do we not hold them in the high esteem that the majority of them deserve? Why do we find it necessary to assume they succeeded and excelled because they somehow cheated the rest of us? Could it be that the success of the top 5% forces those who do not excel to take stock of their mediocrity? So, why not jump aboard that wealth envy train that is continuously pulling out of Washington station? It has run rough shod over our economy, chased business to parts unknown, and stymied job growth while all the time promising prosperity. After all isn't what we say more important than the actual results? Come on jump on the Wishington Express, won’t that make us feel better?