Friday, May 27, 2011

A Note to Republicans

Republicans, you would be wise to understand that the November election did not represent the nation falling in love with your party. You were elected to return our country to the principles of a smaller federal government, spend less money, work toward a balanced budget and bring some sensibility to healthcare.  You were elected to secure our borders and most of all GET OUT OF THE WAY so that business, primarily small business, can begin to operate with some degree of security and peace of mind that the federal attack on their best interest is over. At that point, business will create jobs that actually produce wealth, and we can get on with the business of economic growth WITH jobs.

This will only take place if the federal government withdraws its tentacles from areas that are none of its business. These places include our bedrooms, our places of worship, our schools and my family’s values. The government has no business owing businesses. Stop it.

If these thing are not genuinely attempted and to some degree accomplished, it will be time for a new party because there will be no substantive difference between a Republican and a Democrat. It will be time for no more Donkey Kong.

You don’t know what to do? Try these ideas on for size:

·         Adopt the Fair Tax – Failing in that enact the following:
o   Maximum individual FEDERAL INCOME TAX rates set at 25%
o   Reduce federal taxes on corporations to 12%
o   The capital gains tax should be ZERO
o   EPA, OSHA and IRS regulations require house of representatives approval
o   Repeal the recent health care bill
o   Eliminate the federal department of education
o   Phase out Fanny Mae and Freddie MAC – one financial crisis is enough, thank you
o   Repeal the stimulus bill before you flush all that money down the bowl
o   All decisions of the department of labor require house approval
o   Put congress and federal employees under social security
o   Mind your own affairs – if the constitution does not specifically give government the power to commit an action it is forbidden to commit that action
That would be a start toward bring the U.S. back to economic prominence in the world and do much to raise the standard of living for every person within our borders.

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